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Así se está documentando el estallido social de EEUU en Twitter

El asesinato de George Floyd en Estados Unidos no solo se convirtió en un tema de violencia racial, sino que ha cruzado todo límite encendiendo una mecha de descontento social que no se veía en el gigante del norte desde la muerte de Martin Luther King en 1968.

Y uno de los medios que mejor ha logrado captar la esencia de las protestas y de los homenajes es la red social Twitter, que desde famosos hasta usuarios anónimos que provistos del poder de las cámaras de sus teléfonos, han registrado momentos únicos.

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Desde abusos policiales en Nueva York, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Los Angeles y muchas ciudades de EEUU, hasta sentidos videos de apoyo a la familia de Floyd.

Twitter ha vivido esta revuelta social desde que decidió hacer un fact checking al presidente Donald Trump, liderando así su cruzada por la información veraz y responsable en su plataforma.

Incluso, la red social de Jack Dorsey ha debido eliminar varias cuentas que están incitando al odio, como una de supuestos supremacistas blancos que representaba al conocido grupo Antifa.

«Esta cuenta violó nuestra política de manipulación de plataformas y spam, específicamente la creación de cuentas falsas», dijo un portavoz de Twitter en un comunicado. «Tomamos medidas después de que la cuenta envió un Tweet que incitaba a la violencia y rompió las Reglas de Twitter».

La red social por supuesto sigue funcionando como principal amplificador de los mensajes de Donald Trump y de sus discursos.

My fellow Americans – My first and highest duty as President is to defend our great Country and the American People. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our Nation — and that is exactly what I will do…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2020

Lo cierto es que son muchos los tweets que se han documentado en estos días para reflejar lo que sucede en las calles de Estados Unidos. Acá entregamos una selección.

Protestas en las calles

I am heartbroken and disgusted to see one of my family members a young black man w/his hands up peacefully protesting and an NYPD officer pulls down his mask and pepper sprays him. @NYCSpeakerCoJo @BPEricAdams @FarahNLouis @JumaaneWilliams @NewYorkStateAG @NYPDShea cc: @EOsyd

— Ms. Anju J. Rupchandani (@AJRupchandani) May 31, 2020

Wow. NYPD attempting to run over protestors. #Protests #Riots2020

— McAuley (@McAuleyATL) May 31, 2020

NYPD just casually slamming a dude with a car door

— wendy (@DriveWendys) May 30, 2020

Share widely: National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling “light em up” #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForGeorge #BlackLivesMatter

— Tanya Kerssen (@tkerssen) May 31, 2020

I cannot believe what I just witnessed. They pulled up onto the square with a police siren on and did this. #Louisville

— Natalie Neysa Alund (@nataliealund) May 30, 2020

Yo. Look on the left screen.

Atlanta police just tased and beat up two black kids on live telivision wow. Police brutalizing citizens on live tv…

— Veteran Freshman – #PapaYuie (@yusufyuie) May 31, 2020

San Antonio police are using tear gas against Black lives matter protesters near the Alamo.

— Silvia Foster-Frau (@SilviaElenaFF) May 31, 2020

Dallas cops let loose with tear gas on the kneeling protesters nearby the DART station on Elm St. after warning them they would make arrests if they don’t move out of the street. Protesters attempting to kick it back but this stuff sucks. #DallasProtest

— Dom (@DomDiFurio) May 31, 2020

LA Times reporter recounts being hit with tear gas, rubber bullets. “I’ve covered protests involving police… I’ve also covered the U.S. military in war zones, including Iraq and Afghanistan. I have never been fired at by police until tonight.”

— Esmeralda Bermudez (@BermudezWrites) May 31, 2020

Also, I cannot emphasize enough how much tear gas was deployed at this #dcprotest today.

I’ve covered protests/riots (protriots? is there a word for one that turns into the other?) in DC for 4+ years now and I have never needed my respirator for extended reporting here before.

— Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) May 31, 2020

I’m hit in the leg by a rubber bullet but am fine. State Police supported by National guard fired unprovoked into an entirely peaceful rally

— Ali Velshi (@AliVelshi) May 31, 2020

an update: I am permanently blind in my left eye, and the docs absolutely refuse to let me go back to work for they say six weeks. I’m definitely not allowed to be near smoke or gas.

Usually if I had to stay home I’d spend a lot of time amplifying folk but reading hurts today

— Linda Tirado (@KillerMartinis) May 30, 2020


— Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie 米维 (@zellnor4ny) May 30, 2020

NYPD officer just called a female protester a “stupid fucking bitch” and threw her to the ground

— Jason Lemon (@JasonLemon) May 30, 2020

Cops didn’t like me filming the burning car so they came at me with batons. Hitting my bike.
Ahhm herea the audio

— John Cusack (@johncusack) May 31, 2020

Who is this serving?

Who is this protecting?

— jordan (@JordanUhl) May 31, 2020

they were literally SITTING????????? PEACEFULLY??????? this is absolutely insane.

— ???? ⚢ (@theresakost13) May 31, 2020

Police just raided the gas station we were sheltering at. After shouting press multiple times and raising my press card in the air, I was thrown to the ground. Then another cop came up and peppered sprayed me in the face while I was being held down.

— Michael Anthony Adams (@MichaelAdams317) May 31, 2020

Cops losing patience

— Zach Williams (@ZachReports) May 30, 2020

my older brother went to a protest in Denver last night. as the police were leaving, one of them shot him with a pepper pellet that smashed the back of his phone and exploded in his face. they were ~30 feet from each other and it looks like the officer aimed directly at his face

— Rachelle D'nae (@heyydnae) May 31, 2020

Famosos se pronuncian y homenajean a George Floyd

3 Brothers-Radio Raheem, Eric Garner And George Floyd.

— Spike Lee (@SpikeLeeJoint) June 1, 2020

Brutal murder travels around the world my son David Dances to honor and pay tribute to George and His Family and all Acts of Racism and Discrimination that happen on a daily basis in America. #davidbanda #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #MichaelJackson

— Madonna (@Madonna) May 28, 2020

Unity is strength #BlackLivesMatter

— Joe Gomez (@J_Gomez97) June 1, 2020

Statement from Michael Jordan:

— Jordan (@Jumpman23) May 31, 2020

????✊???? #JusticeForGeorge

— Kylian Mbappé (@KMbappe) May 30, 2020


— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) May 28, 2020


— Steve Carell (@SteveCarell) May 28, 2020


— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) May 29, 2020

hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage.
all throughout beverly hills and west hollywood we chanted, people beeped and cheered along.
we were passionate, we were loud, we were loving.
cover this too please. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 31, 2020

After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump

— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) May 29, 2020

Las compañías e instituciones del mundo se unen también

For 8 minutes and 46 seconds, we will go dark in tribute to George Floyd. We dedicate this time to the victims of police brutality and the powerful movement fighting for justice.

Join @ColorofChange. Text DEMANDS to 55156. #BlackLivesMatter

— MTV (@MTV) June 1, 2020

— Spotify (@Spotify) May 30, 2020

We stand unwaveringly against racism & injustice of any kind. It is time to listen to and stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues and the entire Black community. #BlackOutTuesday

— US Open Tennis (@usopen) June 2, 2020

We are taking pause today in order to listen, hearing from our own like Dr. Terri Jett in a collective effort to accept leadership responsibility for change. #blackouttuesday

— Butler University (@butleru) June 2, 2020

We will refrain from posting on social media for the remainder of the day in support of the Black community.

Please use this time to learn, listen, and reflect on what actions we need to take place that will invoke a positive change for ALL. #GoIrish x #BlackOutTuesday

— Notre Dame Football (@NDFootball) June 2, 2020

Diego Bastarrica
Diego Bastarrica es periodista y docente de la Universidad Diego Portales de Chile. Especialista en redes sociales…
Así se ve el asesino de Twitter que prepara Instagram
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Con los nombres claves de P92 y Barcelona, Instagram se apresta para lanzar la aplicación que pretende asesinar a Twitter y quedarse con todos los descontentos de la red social de Elon Musk.

Este complemento de Instagram se estrenaría en junio o julio y sería un servicio de texto donde podrás compartir contenido multimedia.

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Así se ve Bluesky: el nuevo «Twitter» de Jack Dorsey
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Mientras los problemas en Twitter se suceden, su ex creador y CEO, Jack Dorsey, estrenó su nueva red social Bluesky en la App Store el 1 de marzo, y ahora ha llegado a Android este 20 de abril.

La aplicación todavía solo está disponible como una versión beta solo por invitación, pero Techcrunch ya probó la plataforma y dio unos primeros vistazos.

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Twitter se prepara después de que el código fuente se filtrara en línea
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Partes del código fuente de Twitter se han filtrado en línea, según una presentación legal ante el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos del Distrito Norte de California.

Reportado por primera vez por el New York Times, el contenido del código fuente de Twitter, el software más importante que impulsa la plataforma y la hace funcionar, apareció en GitHub, un servicio de alojamiento de Internet para el desarrollo de software.

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